What Does Your Tag Tell Us About How You Lead?

The leader is known by their tag.

When I was a young boy I remember going with my Mom to the department store.  In those early years you would find me hiding under the racks of cloths looking for treasures as I watched for opportunities to surprise shoppers walking by.

While under the racks, I would run my little hands across each article of clothing and feel the tags that were hanging down off of each garment.

Looking closely, one would notice each article of clothing found in department stores contains special instructions with care instructions.  The tag provides guidance on how best to care for the garment to insure it maintains its integrity of purpose for as long as possible.

What is our responsibility?

Every leader has a tag. And all followers have the ability to read it.

Earning followership requires people’s trust. They need to know who we are and what we value.  Therefore, I encourage you to be yourself and share your perspective.

When our motivation is right, we can positively influence our environment.

Leaders we want to follow are easy to spot because they have their tag showing. We clearly know where they are going, what they are good at, and what they value.

The work we do is for those who need it and only you can be the one to unleash the talent that others are longing to give.

Question to consider

  • What can you do today to show your followers who you are and where you are going?

  • Is there a person on your team you can help to release a latent talent?


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