Eric Peterson | ShepherdingHeart LLC
The time of waiting to be picked is over!
Hi! I’m Eric. I am passionate about growing the next generation of leaders and creating safe places for their teams to perform great work.
For many years, I thought the only people qualified to lead were those with titles. I was wrong.
Back then, I expected those in charge understood that leading others is a privilege and responsibility. As the years rolled by, I watched people I cared about getting crushed by individuals who cared more about their own careers than about the people they were supposed to be serving.
Something needed to change.
When the pain was too much, I chose to become the leader I wanted to follow. I began choosing myself.
I did everything I could to make a difference through living my values and encouraging others to find their voice and make a difference too. As a result, I spend my energy helping others grow their leadership capacity. I’ve found success leading with my heart in an authentic way. So can you!
The best leader is one who influences the hearts and minds of those they choose to serve.
The truth is that we all lead. We can all improve and get better. If we want, we can become the leader others want to follow. And we can do it together.
I believe that the work we are called to do is important. Otherwise, why do it? I also believe more strongly than ever that the people doing the work are most important. Don’t you?