Where does good leadership come from?
I recently received this question and thought it would be a good topic for us to explore. It is one that I have struggled with for many years. Maybe you have too.
As a student of leadership and through daily practice I am convinced that good leadership begins inside long before we see change outside.
How we get stuck in the wrong leadership mindset?
I faced a big challenge in finding my voice to lead because early in my career I took to heart some poor advice. I bought into the popular view that people with a bigger title are more successful.
It took me several years to own the decision I made to follow someone else's path. I've learned since that developing into an authentic leader you were designed to be requires we draw our map. A book by Todd Henry helped me begin to discover my creative voice.
How to get unstuck
If I can encourage you to do one thing above all else, it would be for you to identify what gift you have that adds energy to yourself as you use it.
Next, invest that energy in serving others. When you do this I believe you will find the leadership growth you need that will make you more effective.
There are a lot of voices out there today telling us what we should do. We've all heard them. Before taking the path of least resistance, let me challenge you to trust yourself.
Consider these 4 ideas for you to explore and see if any of them might trigger some new ways of approaching how you lead.
4 Ideas to explore
1) Recognize your gift:
We aren't ready to lead until we have something to give. We can't give something to others we don't possess. Cultivate your gift, grow it, and share it so it multiplies. What is your gifting. When you recognize it you will find you are enough.
2) Find your voice:
We won't become the leader others will follow until we discover our voice. It is one of our most effecitve tools. Please don't use someone else's voice. We can never expect to perform consistently better operating in areas where we are not gifted.
3) Become driven by generosity:
Our motivation must be felt by others if we expect to lead them. It is not about us. It never was. Leading is always about those we choose to serve. Regardless of what we receive from others, when we give our best we can live without regret. Living from a grateful heart is healthy.
4) See others without judgment:
Our attitude towards others must be biased towards seeing the best in them. Trust comes from our commitment to believe the best.
Excelling Through Servant Leadership
One of my dearest friends asked me for a working definition of servant leadership, so based upon all that I have read, learned and practice, let me share you my current working definition. It is what I do my best to practice.
“The servant-leader leads by example and serves a cause bigger than themselves. They bring others with them. They empower, encourage those they lead to live their design to the fullest. The servant-leader is motivated to serve first and is deeply committed to helping grow their followers. ”
My working definition fits into the framework I developed a few years ago to help me and others unpack doing and becoming better leaders in practical ways. I write about these ideas every week.
I'm interested to learn what ideas are most interesting to you.
The shepherding framework in a nutshell
Shepherding yourself: This is where leadership starts and develops
Entering the world of others: We do this on their terms
Helping our people connect with us: Sharing our values to see if there is a match
Create safe environments: Where else does the best work get accomplished?
Leading sacrificially: Who would follow someone who is out for themselves?
Keep the team on track: The hardest part for most of us.
Achieve the remarkable: Performance comes as a result of the right people doing the right work. Could you expect anything less than remarkable?
I was fortunate to have been offered to share some of my practices to Agile Denver and their special community. You can check out an overview of some of my work on their site.