Effective Leaders Use the Right Tools
Tools are important
Over time a good leader selects tools to accentuate what they do best. Growing leaders treat their development as an apprentice does their craft. Applying themselves daily, perfecting their skills to maximize value for those they serve.
Becoming a great leader doesn't happen in a day, it happens daily.
The best leaders get the most out of their current toolset and acquire new ones for the future.
Humble. Empathetic. Compassionate. The leader of tomorrow recognizes their limitations. They learn from other leaders further ahead on the journey.
In my work, there are an additional set of tools one should work to acquire.
Shepherds use physical tools such as the rod and the staff. As symbols, each illustrate important and distinct purposes. The rod represents protecting the team from those who would do harm. We protect the team from themselves and help us achieve the mission and accomplish the remarkable.
The staff is used most. It represents our responsibilities to provide direction, guidance, and comfort along the journey. It can even extend our reach.
The most important are the tools residing inside each leader reflected in our actions. Dimensions include the heart, mind, voice, and hands.
Heart Centered Leadership can be very effective.
Traits of the heart include motivation, empathy, listening, and healing. Without invoking the heart we have great difficulty making lasting change.
Watch out!
When our hearts focuses more on our desires, motivating our teams may tempt us to employ coercive and authoritarian ways.
Traits of the head include mindset, principles, plans, and execution. When governed by our hearts, our minds work well in devising winning plans to achieve the mission while preserving team health.
Our voice reflects what is in our heart in concert with our head. It communicates both in what we say and how we say it. For this reason, I think our voice is the most important tool because it can connect our message and direction to the hearts of others.
Do you have what it takes?
I think you do. You have all you need to get started. Becoming a leader others want to follow is established with trust over time.
We know each person by name. We know their story. What they like what they don't and we care about each one.
They know it. That is why when we call them they come. They will not follow the voice of a stranger.
The shepherd leader leads out front when it is time to move. Not because they are better, but because it is up to them to model the behaviors they expect their followers to display. We set the tone. We do it consistently. And we do it from the heart.